Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring in Colorado

It is finally April, and I love spring in Colorado.  Literally ,"you never know what your gonna get."  A week ago I was skiing in heavy snow just fifty minutes up highway 70, and drove back to a balmy 60 degree day in Golden.  Often in the spring, you will still get heavy snows up in the rockies, and very mild weather in the Denver Metro area.  Wild tempature swings are also common.  Saturday was a beautiful 85 degrees, and everyone was outside.  Downtown Golden was packed with people strolling the streets window shopping.  The river trail was full of runners, bikers and of course lots of people walking their dogs.  Flowers were starting to sprout, and the warm temps continued to help turn lawns green wherever you looked.  Yet, just 24 hours later, the temperature had dropped almost 50 degrees and it was snowing Sunday afternoon.  This see-saw weather pattern is pretty normal for Spring in Colorado.  The old saying goes something like this..."If you don't like the weather in Colorado, just wait five minutes for it to change."   So if you are at all energized by change, Colorado will provide plenty of opportunity to satisfy your soul.  Until next time..

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