Thursday, March 24, 2011

Real Estate, Life, and other random musings

Welcome to my blog.  On this blog I will focus on real estate issues, but because of the random nature of my personality and exotic interests, I will talk other stuff as well.  My hope is to entertain, inform, and generally share life with friends, colleagues, prospective real estate looky loos who are trying to figure me out.  I welcome comments and suggestions.  I promise to be genuine, but I can't  promise perfect prose (did I spell that right?) as I did not become an english major for a reason.  I look forward to sharing my world with you all moving forward. 

So, a few interesting opening thoughts.  I like the new Denver Nuggets.  They play unselfishly as a team, they play with passion, and they are fun to watch.  I am excited about Spring, because I love being outside.  I love to walk around Golden, run the trails, hit the river, walk to dinner, and hang in the historic district with my great neighbors.  This is such a fun place to live!  I plan on watching The Masters in a few weeks, because to me it always reminds me that spring is here, beauty and "green" are on their way, and the announcers voices soothe me.  I have one week of ski lessons left for the winter.  I teach them rather than take them.  I am beginning to run more regularly now that the weather is getting warm, and I look forward to a few challenging mountain races this summer.  Ok that is all for now.  Untill  next time

-Jeff Fox

Sunday, March 20, 2011